The American Princess Cruises is NY’s #1 WHALE WATCHER! And we proudly announce the upcoming 2025 season to be our “16th SEASON”, boasting a 95+% mammal sighting rating!!! Don’t miss out on the chance to hop aboard the American Princess to experience NY’s ORIGINAL Whale Watching Adventure! * WHALE WATCHING IS WHAT WE DO!!!

2025 Schedule & Information will be released soon!

You can view our 2022, 2023 & 2024 sighting reports here. Whale, Dolphin & Wildlife Sightings Report – Whale Watching and Dolphin Adventure Cruise in New York City aboard the American Princess


Offshore Pelagic Trip 08/15/2022 (approx. 24 hours)

We will explore the deep offshore waters up to and possibly beyond the edge of the Continental Shelf and the Hudson Canyon waters.  This ultra-deep trip coincides with pelagic migration. 

There is a good chance for a variety of species including Cory’s, Great, Manx, Sooty and Audobon’s Shearwaters, Black-capped Petrel, Leach’s, White-faced, Band-rumped, and Wilson’s Storm-Petrels, Red and Red-necked Phalaropes, Arctic Tern and all 3 jaegers.  Phalaropes may already be in breeding plumage and jaegers may be adults. Other rarities we’ve found in our region in summer include Trindade (formerly Herald) and Fea’s Petrel, Masked Booby, and South Polar Skua.

Deep water cetaceans are also possible like Cuvier’s Beaked Whale, several species of Mesoplodon Beaked Whale, Atlantic Spotted, Offshore Bottlenose, Striped & Risso’s Dolphin, and Pilot Whale with Fin, Humpback, and Minke Whales more likely in a bit shallower water.

This trip is approximately 24-hours. Capacity is limited.  Reservations are required. Rain/cancellation date is Monday August 22nd departing Sunday August 21st at 9:00 PM

Boarding begins at 8:00 PM on Sunday evening, August 14th. Passengers will board in the order in which their booking was received.

After checking in, passengers will board one at a time and be able to choose a location on the boat for their belongings and an area to sleep, etc. (example one side of each table).

After your reservation is booked, we will send a trip disclaimer that will need to be signed and sent back as acknowledgment and agreement.

Click here for a list of items you may want to bring on this trip.

Fuel surcharge may apply.


 Great Shearwater


August 15, 2022Departs Sunday 8/14 at 9PM and returns Monday 8/15 at approx 9PM


$300 per person
PayPal Acceptance Mark

• All sales are final and non-refundable
• Our captains and crew work diligently to make every trip a success. We have a 90% sighting rate of a whale and/or dolphin. However, sightings are not guaranteed.
• Cruises are Rain or Shine
• There is a 24-hour cancellation policy
• In the event of a cancellation, customer is responsible for making another reservation
• Check our WEBSITE ALERTS for cancellations & daily cruise status
• Ticket purchases are good only for the 2022 – Special Offshore Pelagic Trip (departing Sunday, August 14, 2022 at 9PM and returning Monday August 15, 2022 at approx 9PM
• Your proof of purchase (Paypal receipt/Credit Card receipt/voucher) will serve as your ticket
• You do NOT need a PayPal account to make purchases through PayPal
• Coolers and outside alcoholic beverages are prohibited
• Passengers subject to search (as permitted by the US Coast Guard)
• Captain’s recommendation: Due to NYC traffic we advise that you plan to arrive 90 minutes before the departure time
• All trips are subject to availability and American Princess Cruises reserves the right to cancel any trip at any time
• Fuel surcharge may apply

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Please remember to bring your ticket(s)/ voucher(s) and/or PayPal receipt!