American Princess Cruises proudly announces this upcoming 2025 Whale Watching & Dolphin Adventure Cruising season to be our “16th SEASON”, boasting a 95+% mammal sighting record!!!

Tickets are available now, so plan to secure your spots on an early afternoon or 5PM SUNSET TRIP aboard NY’s #1, ORIGINAL, FULL TIME, WHALE WATCHER!  2025 Whale Watching & Dolphin Adventure Cruises – Whale Watching and Dolphin Adventure Cruise in New York City aboard the American Princess

You don’t want to miss out on the chance to hop aboard the American Princess to experience a first-class adventure! * WHALE WATCHING IS WHAT WE DO, ALL THAT WE DO!

ALSO…. announcing our SPECIAL 6-Hr. Pelagic Bird & Marine Wildlife Trip on 3/29/25 *  TICKETS AVAILABLE NOW: 2025 Special 6-hour Pelagic Bird & Marine Wildlife Trip March 29 – Whale Watching and Dolphin Adventure Cruise in New York City aboard the American Princess


2025 Special 6-hour Pelagic Bird & Marine Wildlife Trip March 29

Set sail with the American Princess for this special 6-hour Pelagic Bird and Marine Wildlife Trip

This six-hour trip is designed to explore our inshore waters of the bay, Lower NY Harbor, coast, and inshore pelagic zone possibly out a few miles. Springtime is a great time of the year for Northern Gannets to be in their gorgeous breeding plumage, with that burnt yellowish head and nape coloration becoming much stronger than in winter.

This shorter trip is a great opportunity for the beginner or first-time birder in pelagic birding as well as an experienced birder to get out this time of year on a shorter trip exploring local waters and the inshore pelagic zone. Our large main cabin is very comfortable, heated and has large viewing windows. 

Possible Sightings:

Harbor Seals, Grey Seals

Inshore Birds: Great Cormorant, Common and Red-throated Loons, scoters, and other sea ducks, Northern Gannet, Gulls, Bonaparte’s gull

Pelagic Birds: Razorbill, Black-legged Kittiwake, Common Murre, Iceland Gull

Whales: Humpback, Fin, Minke, Right

Dolphin: Common Dolphins, Bottlenose Dolphins



Saturday, March 29, 20257AM - 1PM approx (boarding time 6:30AM)


$110 per person
PayPal Acceptance Mark

• All sales are final and non-refundable
• Our captains and crew work diligently to make every trip a success.
• Cruises are Rain or Shine
• There is a 48-hour cancellation policy
• In the event of a cancellation, customer is responsible for making another reservation
• Check our WEBSITE ALERTS for cancellations & daily cruise status

*****Customers are responsibility to check our WEBSITE ALERTS for cancellations & daily cruise status
and are asked to add & to your address book to ensure receipt of our communications & cancellation notices***
• Ticket purchases are good only for the 2025 – Special 6-hour Pelagic Bird and Marine Wildlife Trip
• Your proof of purchase (PayPal receipt/Credit Card receipt/voucher) will serve as your ticket
• You do NOT need a PayPal account to make purchases through PayPal
• Coolers and outside alcoholic beverages are prohibited
• Passengers subject to search (as permitted by the US Coast Guard)
• Captain’s recommendation: Due to NYC traffic we advise that you plan to arrive 60 minutes before the departure time
• All trips are subject to availability and American Princess Cruises reserves the right to cancel any trip at any time

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Please remember to bring your ticket(s)/ voucher(s) and/or PayPal receipt!