Set sail with the American Princess for a Special 12-hour Pelagic Bird & Marine Wildlife Trip!
This trip is planned to cover the pelagic zone out to 30-50 miles.
Birds seen regularly at this time of year on this type of trip include Dovekie (a trip like this set the NY state record of 7,000+), Atlantic Puffin, Razorbill, Common Murre, possibly Thick-billed Murre, Northern Fulmar, Black-Legged Kittiwake, Iceland, Glaucous, and Lesser Black-Backed Gull, and Northern Gannet. Of course we’re always hoping for an uncommon but occasionally seen Great Skua.
Possible cetaceans include Common Dolphin, occasionally Harbor Porpoise, and Humpback, Fin, and Minke Whales. If the water gets cold enough Atlantic White-sided Dolphin is also possible.
The plan is to head offshore towards good structure that attracts marine life. We will chum and attract a flock of gulls which, in turn, attracts other species like Fulmar and Razorbill.
Photography opportunities can be excellent particularly for Northern Gannets and gulls but sometimes also for Fulmar and alcids. Be sure to bring a shorter lens or zoom since the Gannets have 6 foot wingspans and often come close to the boat.
Date | Time |
Saturday January 27, 2024 | 6AM - 6PM approx (boarding time 5:30AM) |
Inclement Weather Date - Sun 1/28/24 | 6AM - 6PM approx (boarding time 5:30AM) |
$185 per person |
• All sales are final and non-refundable
• Our captains and crew work diligently to make every trip a success.
• Cruises are Rain or Shine
• There is a 24-hour cancellation policy
• In the event of a cancellation, customer is responsible for making another reservation
• Check our WEBSITE ALERTS for cancellations & daily cruise status
• Ticket purchases are good only for the 2024 – Special 12-hour Pelagic and Marine Wildlife Trip
• Your proof of purchase (Paypal receipt/Credit Card receipt/voucher) will serve as your ticket
• You do NOT need a PayPal account to make purchases through PayPal
• Coolers and outside alcoholic beverages are prohibited
• Passengers subject to search (as permitted by the US Coast Guard)
• Captain’s recommendation: Due to NYC traffic we advise that you plan to arrive 90 minutes before the departure time
• All trips are subject to availability and American Princess Cruises reserves the right to cancel any trip at any time
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Please remember to bring your voucher(s), or PayPal or Credit Card receipts!